
Portfolio Cover

Architecture Studio..........p. 2-5

Oil Paintings........p. 6-8

Collage with Inks..........p. 9

Figures Drawings: Ink/Charcoal....p. 10

Ceramics..........p. 11

Figure Ink Washes.....p. 12

Boy Collage..........p. 13

Mixed Media Book..........p. 14-15


Mixed Media Story..........p. 16

Photography..........p. 17-18

5 by 5 Photos..........p. 19

Surreal..........p. 20

Cemetary Shoot

Ditital prints,

Columbia Summer Architecture Program

Columbia Summer Architecture Project Model

Figure Sketches

ink on watercolor paper, applied with bamboo pen and brush

Color Studies

oil on canvas, text in illustrator


pencil on paper

Nude Woman

charcoal on paper

Dark Bouquet

print solarized in the darkroom

Kris's Senior Photo

Nikon D50 camera, background adjusted in Photoshop